Rarely when we talk about marketing strategies do we refer to anonymous users, although they represent, on average, almost the entirety of users who visit a site or an eCommerce.With the term “anonymous users” we are in fact going to define all users who, visiting a site, choose not to reveal themselves and therefore not to release data inherent to their personal details or contact data, such as phone number or a simple email address.As anticipated before, they represent, on average, as many as 98% of the total users, a percentage that should not be underestimated.If we want to see the picture from another perspective, we can in fact say that, tendentially, for our profiling and segmentation activities we actually go to work only on 2%-3% of our users, a rather small number compared to the many users we could potentially address.
Unveil rate: how to recognize the weight of your anonymous and known users
The unveil rate, translated as unveiling rate, is a data that is hardly mentioned among the most relevant ones, but, in fact, it is very significant as it allows us to keep track of the potential of our web project in terms of users.Once defined, in fact, the parameters by which we can define a sufficient profiled user on the basis of the collected data, we can more easily focus our lead generation strategy and thus refine the activities to be implemented in order to transform theanonymous user into a known user.The real challenge of a good lead generation strategy thus does not end with just the ability to create performant ADS campaigns, but also contemplates all those activities necessary to stimulate users to register and release their data, and it is precisely at this stage that marketing automation and artificial intelligence show their potential thanks to the valuable contribution of the data that is collected.
Anonymous users: the importance of tracking and collecting data
Although anonymous, users when browsing a site or eCommerce release a lot of valuable information related to interests, such as products and/or content they view, categories they browse, geographic areas they come from, devices they use to connect, and campaigns they come from.This data, once collected, becomes a real asset and allows the implementation of effective strategies to personalize the browsing experience, strategies and activities that prove particularly useful in order to improve precisely the unveil rate, thus stimulating users to release their data. Blendee, among the many features of the Customer Data Platform, also allows it to recognize anonymous users, keeping track of all the actions they perform within the site or eCommerce. This is possible thanks to the use of advanced tracking systems that surpass the more common cookie-based ones.From data collection and normalization to the personalization of the user experience: Blendee enables the deployment of a series of activities aimed at lead generation such as dynamic forms, behavioral messages, not forgetting surveys and questionnaires. Thanks to personalized and relevant communication, theanonymous user, in most cases, thus tends to provide information and data very naturally.