The acronym NPS stands for Net Promoter Score, which is a tool for assessing customer satisfaction.
It is a short survey that aims to derive an unambiguous figure through the application of a particular formula.
Specifically, the survey underlying the NPS assessment aims to assess the likelihood that a customer will recommend a service or product.
By answering this question, the customer is asked to give a value from 1 to 10.
Based on these values, customers are thus classified into three different groups:
- supportive customers, that is, all those who gave a rating between 9 and 10;
- passive customers, that is, customers who gave a value between 7 and 8;
- detractor customers, that is, all those who gave a value less than or equal to 6.
Once the various groups of customers have been identified and the percentage value of those in each group has been assessed, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is calculated by subtracting the percentage value of supporter customers from the percentage value of detractor customers.
Before embarking on the assessment of the NPS value obtained, it is always important to remember that although simple and intuitive, this method of investigating customer satisfaction is often influenced by the context and not specific enough to assess even the motivations that drive customers to become real detractors. In this regard, before intervening with specific activities, it is in fact always recommended for the company to try to deepen the assessment obtained through this methodology in order to evince weak points to work on.